Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 Bible Reading and Time With God

Here are the links to help our people know God better in 2013.  Our theme "Is there not a cause?"  Our cause is to go down God's path. 

Here are the Bible Reading plans:

We are reading through the New Testament:*sfxd*0*sfxd*0@@

This site will give you many different reading plans using different versions:

These are several devotionals that will encourage you in your growth in the Lord:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Angles We Have Heard on High

Today we heard some amazing young people worship the Lord with song and instruments.  As I tried to choose a message to share from the Word, I was challenged by the Shepherd's story.  Here are these run of the mill sheep farmers tending to their flocks and God chooses them to here the Angel's song.  Out of hundreds of shepherds they are the ones who the heavenly host sings to.  Hmmm, have you ever wondered why?  I sure have.  I don't really have an answer.  Here is what I can speculate.  Perhaps these ones were the seekers, the ones really seeking a relationship with their God.  These Israeli Shepherds must have known about the Jehovah God the Bible,  but the message from the angels made things much different.  It was an amazing event.

So, those of us who heard the choirs sing at TBC on Sunday were privileged to hear a song that the angels would have been amazed at.  God gave us a glimpse of heaven.  So, no excuse.  We need to respond like the Shepherds and go the Savior to worship the Lord.  We can believe with assurance and confidence in the wonderful power of the Gospel message.  This Christmas " let us all with one accord sing praises to our heavenly Lord , who hath made heaven and earth of naught and with His blood mankind hath bought."

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Messages

We are enjoying the Christmas season at Trinity Baptist Church.  This was our second Christmas message on Sunday as we looked at Joseph and Mary and their experience as the parents of the Savior.  Next week Daniel will be preaching on the wisemen.  We are planning a fun Christmas program with music and drama. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Great Day

We've had two truly excellent Sunday's at Trinity Baptist.  For the middle of the summer-our attendance was  really good.  We had about 15 young people and another 20 adults.  The Spirit was great as the evidence of God working in the kids' lives (at Camp Ironwood) was catching.   As I shook hands with those that left the church nearly everyone noticed that God was working in a great way.

I wish everyone could hear our worship.  We aren't like most churches around Bullhead City.  We don't do music that might make someone feel like they are at a rock concert.  All ages, would fell comfortable in how we worship.  Instead, our young folks boldly sing the old hymns and energetically harmonize with some newer songs.  No, we don't have a drum set-but just a piano and guitar.  Oh, and also we have playing along-two trombones, two trumpets and a french horn. Now, these instruments are not your average brass players.  They are excellent.  I'm bragging, of course, because two of them are my kids-but even if I was unbiased I would tell you that this group just-I almost hate to use this word but I think it makes the my point the best-ROCKS.   If we could fit a tuba in the back of our car we might have someone playing one as well in church.  I don't think anyone in our church would say that our music sounds old fashioned or boring.

We've been through some hard times in our church-but God has been encouraging us through the book of Philippians.  We have vowed to "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice."  Today we were challenged to be content in the good times.  Sometimes there are times that it is easy to be content.  When the fellowship is sweet in the house of the Lord it is easy to say "Rejoice".  Now we are praying that God would help us to be witnesses in our city.  What we need are leaders.  We need men to serve Christ with their lives.  I wonder how God will work for the rest of the summer!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

God Is Working

Today we worked again getting everyone's car ready for the summer.  We have 16 young people signed up to attend Camp Ironwood.  We are excited to see God do some big things next week.  Camp is a great place for young people to get right with God and make commitments to serve the Lord.  Please pray that God works in the lives of each one attending next week.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Thanks Out of Town Friends

This year we've had three guest preachers from our camp, Camp Ironwood.  Thanks, Joe and Aricka Hansen, Alan Cover and Scott Olson.  You've been a blessing to all of us.  This summer we are looking forward to see what God has planned for our church.  We need folks to help with the work of the ministry.  Let us pray that God would raise up men and women that want to make a difference for Christ.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

This verse is one that challenged me- peace to them that love thy law and nothing shall offend them. This week Caleb was diagnosed with Leukemia.  So, we are now in the greatest trial of our lives.  Today while reading the largest chapter of the Bible I was knocked over with this verse 65.  I asked, " Lord, may I continue to love thy law and believe that you are a great, merciful and loving God.   May I continue to live out the life of a follower of Christ."  I'v struggled the last few days.  To be honest, I'm not sure that I have always truly taken hold of the phrase "nothing can offend them."  My faith has been stretched.  But, the outpouring of fellow believers and their promises of prayer have been powerful.  Just the rush of each one of the praying friends to our time of need has been excellent.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

This Sunday is our Resurrection Celebration.  That is what it should be.  Easter Sunday at Trinity Baptist Church is a time of worship.  We will first, meet at 6:30 am to remember just how great the sacrifice that was made when our Lord Jesus went to the cross and gave up his life.  Then at 11:00 we will worship and celebrate all of Christ's work.  We will end with remembering the Resurrection.  "If Christ be not raised' our faith is void. "If Christ be not raised" where is our Savior?  He is Risen brother and sisters!  Let's celebrate on Sunday!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Hebrew History

We enjoyed Brother Richard Hill and his Jewish Seder presentation.  How interesting to see the likenesses and parallels made between the Passover  celebration and the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We experienced the bitter herbs and the horseradish spread and then the sweet contrast of the apples and cinnamon.  What an interesting way to experience the feel of what the Children of Israel experienced as they left Egypt for the promised land.  Then we saw the way the blessing of the unleavened bread reminded us of the work of Jesus Christ.  How exciting it was to see how the experience of the Hebrew children helped prepare the world for the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who has redeemed us from our sins.  I somehow feel a bit more ready for the Passover/Resurrection Season.   Sunday we will begin a series of messages that will helps us be better prepared to share the wonderful message of Jesus Christ. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah

The last two weeks we've been studying the most outstanding Kings of Israel.  We looked at Jehoshaphat (II Chronicles 17-19) last week and Hezekiah (II Kings 18,19)  this week.  These men were both two of the best kings of the Southern Kingdom of Israel-that of Judah.  Each of these men made great contributions to the people of Israel.  They both were known for directing their people to serve God.  Both of them destroyed idols and tried to follow the Lord in worship.  Jehoshaphat was the King who loved souls.  He tried to bring everyone around him to the Lord-even a wicked King.  He was unsuccessful in bringing wicked King Ahab to God-but in the scripture I think we can see his heart for helping people to know God.  He was a good example for all of us.  Would that we had the heart for souls like Jehoshaphat and that we would have the discernment and closeness to God like Hezekiah. 

Hezekiah was a strong King.  One all of us fathers can learn from.  He also cared about bringing his people to God, but went a step further than Jehoshaphat and destroyed all of the high places.  He destroyed the idols and then made it so the people would no longer worship idols by destroying the places where the idols were worshipped.  But, perhaps the greatest key of his character was that in the King James Bible it tells us that his heart "clove" to the Lord.  This means he clung to the Lord and loved the Lord with all his heart.  Hezekiah was a strong King because he had a personal relationship with God.  How his relationship came in handy when he had to stand down the wicked King of Assyria.  He stayed strong and trusted the Lord to protect his Godly Kingdom in the way His God would see fit.  Then, Hezekiah sat back and watched God directly and miraculously destroy the Assyrian army with His own hand.  May we learn from the good King Hezekiah and seek a perosnal relationship with God by making God's Word a part of our daily life. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Singing in Church and Musical Skill

Congratulations to three of our high school kids-Andy Dell, Caleb and Jeanette Evins.  All three of these talented musicians qualified for the Northwest All-Region Honor Choir and Band.  In fact, Andy and Caleb finished as the 2nd chair for Bass and Tenor with Jeanette scoring higher than all Sopranos in the Region. 

Although, these three have had many musical experiences outside of church, much of their musical talent has been honed and encouraged with all the singing they have done in the church.  Each Sunday we stop and praise the Lord in song and with musical instruments.  Our goal is to glorify the Lord.  Andy, Caleb and Jeanette have been doing this for many Sundays at Trinity Baptist Church and now help to lead us in worship.  May God bless their talents as tools to help others know our Savior Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Great Missions Emphasis Sunday with the Cunninghams

What a great Sunday we had as Art and Debbie Cunningham ministered to us here at Trinity Baptist.  Brother Art ministered to us from the Word challenging us about the Great Comission as well as encouraging us to keep strong during the dark times.  We were blessed and greatly encouraged in the Lord.  God is Good all of the time and knows our needs.  We look forward to hearing Dr. Tetreau this Sunday as well. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Using the Bible to Attack Racism and Justify Non-Violent Protest

Martin Luther King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail is an amazing example of a man using the Bible to point out racism and justify protest against grossly unjust policies.  If you haven't ever read through this, perhaps today is good day to.  I find it his most inspiring work.  Although not all of King's Theology can I agree with-his way of using the Bible to help stop social injustice is excellent in this document.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Info for 2012

Take a look at the blog for updates.  There is a new memory verse for 2012 as well as some updates concerning things happening at Trinity Baptist Church.  This Sunday, January 8th we will be listening to one of the great old fashioned preachers of our day, Ron Comfort on video as he preaches on the rapture.  Pastor Craig will continue a series about Christ in the Old Testament.  On Sunday night we'll be finishing up the Mormon scrapbook.  Hope everyone can be there to encourage one another in the Lord.