Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mike and Melanie Webster-Missionaries to Quebec

We are looking forward to hearing from our missionaries of 30 years, Mike and Melanie Webster. I've posted a short biography of them here. They will be sharing in all of our services on Sunday. They are not only faithful servants of the Lord but dear friends for many years. Let's be there and be blessed on Sunday.

Here is a little info about the websters that I found on their website:

We are Mike, Melanie, Stephanie, Jonathan, and Catherine Webster, serving the Lord in Québec City, Québec, Canada with Independent Faith Mission of Greensboro, NC. Mike is originally from North Carolina and Melanie is the daughter of missionaries to France. We met while students at Bob Jones University, were married in France, and have been on the mission field of French-speaking Quebec since 1986. Mike has a B.A. in Bible and a M.A. in Theology. Melanie has a B.S. in Secondary Education and is currently working on a M.A. in Translation at Laval University. Stephanie , Jonathan and Catherine are currently students at Bob Jones University. Valerie, our oldest, now lives in Greer, South Carolina with her husband Tom Sandquist and sons, Erik and Benjamin. They attend Colonial Hills Baptist Church.

During our 18 years of ministry in Eastern Québec, we saw a church rebuilt, then call it’s own French-Canadian pastor whom we helped to train. In 2004, God led us to Québec City to begin the process all over again with Église Baptiste Évangélique d’Orsainville.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Philemon-Love and Forgiveness

If you missed us today-you really missed out on the Word. We learned of a great man of God, Philemon. We also learned of a changed man, Onesimus. Paul tells their story and urges a reconciliation and forgiveness on Philemon's part. It was a great encouragement and challenge from the word. This week is Thanksgiving week and many of us will be traveling out of town. Let's pray for safety for all. There will be no mid-week Bible Study since so many will be gone. But, we'll be enjoying our missionaries the Websters on Sunday. Plan to be there!!!! Pastor Craig

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Place to Worship

Today we had a nice day at our church. We planted 9 trees on the West side. One day these trees will be great shade for our cars in the afternoon. It was great to see some folks out to help us get the job done. Jason Seth and Jillian Moothart helped Caleb, Sam POrter and me get those trees into place. We really want out church be inviting to those who pass by. These trees will help to make our place a great place to come to. Be in the house of the Lord tomorrow. It is your place to worship.

Tomorrow we'll vote to get new carpet into our main worship area. This will really make our Worship area much more beautiful. I'm looking forward to moving forward with this postive project for our church. Be in your place on the Lord's Day.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Update for November 13th, 2009

Today's update:

This week we'll be continuing our study of Titus. In fact we'll hopefully be finishing up Titus 3. Hope you'll be there to fellowship and be encouraged in the Lord. I'm also looking forward to Sunday night as we'll be conducting an important business meeting. We'd like to take care of some new improvements to our faciilty. So far the water situation is standing pat. We'd love to plant some new trees on the west side of the building, though. Consider adopting a tree. We will buy some easy to fill and use jugs so that you can water your tree twice a week through the summer. We'll keep those trees growing until the summer when we'll figure out how to get the water system to them. We'd also like to decide on new carpet for the sanctuary. Please pray on how we should take care of the facility that God has given us.

Be there to serve the Lord on Sunday at all three meetings.

Wednesday we will continue our study of heaven.

The Webster's are still coming on November 29th.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dates to Remember at TBC

Here are a few dates to remember at Trinity Baptist Church

This Sunday Night Picnic at Mountain View Park
Laughlin, Nevada November 8th at 5:00 pm

Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 pm

November 29th, The Websters are here in all Sunday Services

Don't miss any of our normally scheduled meetings:

Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Worship 11:00 am
Family Fellowship TBA--normally 6:00 pm

Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 pm

Friday Night Youth Meeting 5:30 pm

Let's Be There on Sunday

Don't let your life get in the way of being in the "House of the Lord" tomorrow-that is November 8th. There should not be anything more important than fellowship with the believers on the day we remember the Lord's death, burial and resurrection. God has blessed our fammily greatly. I believe one of the reasons is our committment to being in church every Sunday. Nothing takes priority. It just doesn't. In fact, a few times when the kids were sick, I had to tell Sarah to stay home. We are looking for the encouragement from the believers on Sunday. Every person, including you has some edifying to do on a Sunday. It has been interesting lately that a few of our visitors that have come lately have stayed late and have been very encouraging. I am encouraged by that as a pastor. I pray that you'll be there to edify the brother and sisters every Sunday. God will be there-don't miss it.

Hebrews 10:25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trinity Bullhead Updates November 1st, 2009

This is a update to let all of you know that we've decided to make this the official update and calendar of events for our church website. Since we aren't able to update our website easily we've decided to make our blog the place where calendar updates and any other news for our church will be constantly updated. Of course you can access the blog at as usual.

This week our schedule is as usual. Sunday morning November 1st Pastor Craig will be sharing from Titus 1 and beginning a series from "The Small Books of the New Testament: Titus, Philemon and Jude. For Family Fellowship we'll be meeting at the church at 6:00 pm. Wednesday we are continuing our study "Heaven". Don't miss any of our meetings.

Future Updates: There is a couples retreat on November 12th-14th if anyone would like to go. Pastor Craig and Sarah are willing to go if anyone else is.

November 27th-29th we'll be hosting our missionaries the Websters throughout the entire weekend.