Thursday, May 30, 2024

Is Written Blogging Still a Thing and Living with a Christian World View?

 This may be my last time to post-I think instead I'll start doing video blogging but still post those videos here.  I started this blog way back in 2009-about the time I had heart surgery.  Can't believe over 15 years has passed.  I praise God for giving me 15 more years.  God is always good and He is always working in the lives of those who seek and find him.  Our church looks a little different then it did in 2009-but just like last summer-God is working in lives and doing His work amidst the faithful at Trinity Baptist.  I wrote last year at this time and we had just had an influx of attenders.  Many of those new ones are still worshipping with us.  Its pretty cool how God has worked in these new ones this last year.  Yet, we seek to continue to share the Gospel.  It seems Satan is doing everything he can to cloud the Gospel.  More and more peopel are adopting modern unbiblical values and lifestyles.  It is difficult.  People are establishing their lives around feelings, emotions and whatever seems right to them.  Instead of adopting a Christian World View-people are adopting a Me World View.  It is definttely a "whatever feels good do it" mentallity in todays world.  The Biblical Worldview is all based on the standrad of God's Word.  There is so much less uncertainty and anxiety in a life that has already established the absolutes in life.  A life of obedience towards God and a reliance on the Gospel gives believers a great confidence in their purpose in life and an assurance of an eternal life with God in heaven.  Praise the Lord this is the foundation of the believer in today's world.  I pray that those that we love at Trinity Baptist Church will come to Jesus.  We've seen some of our former faithful ones retreat from the Word of God-may they follow truth and seek the only way in Jesus! 

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