Monday, June 22, 2015

Getting Up With God

This morning I got up at 5:00 am.  Age has brought me to early rising.  The best part is more time with God.  When we read of the great men of God of history, almost always they write of their early rising to meet the Savior.  I get it.  The best times in my quiet time is when I rise early with little distraction, in the cool of the morning.  God is there with me.  I also was blessed on a river bike ride just after my quiet time.  A
little exercise and being near God's great creation helps to make His presence even greater! Sleeping in can be nice-but I am always more refreshed in God's morning.  Today I've been grappling over Tim Kellar's "Reason for God".  My mind and Spirit have been reaching out for those answers for the tough questions.  Kellar does a great job of answering them with confidence and intellect.  If you are questioning this read is good. He does take the long day theory of evolution but holds on to a personal God and creator who is real, loving and just.  Looking forward to mornings this week. God use them so I can get to know you better!

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