Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Romans and Heaven Go Together

So, interesting title.  I think so.  Without the truths found in Romans there is no possible way to heaven.  Romans on Sunday and Heaven on Wednesday.  That is the schedule throughout this summer at Trinity Baptist Church.  I wish we had a house full on Sunday and nearly a house full on Wednesday.  Folks need to hear the truth from scripture.  Our Sundays have been filled with Paul saying his message one way, another way, and then another way.   His chief aim is to make sure everyone knows that our faith is by faith alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone.  Not buy the works of the law or circumcision, or baptism or some other sacramental creation-but faith in Christ-it is all we need.  Paul also describes the person who is in Christ.  The person who has made the true and genuine commitment to the wonderful Savior.  Last week we read that the true believer has conquered death, is dead to sin and is alive unto God.  Romans spells out what we all need to know.

Wednesday we are learning what heaven is like, how you get there and when and how it will be.  Tonight we'll get the Biblical instructions on how to get to this this wonderful place called heaven.  Sunday we've been getting those instructions.  If you are redeemed your destination is HEAVEN.  Be there to uplift the brethren today.  Encourage heaven for everyone you know.   Come on Sunday and get the important instructions about the important subjects.  Fellowship with the believers at Trinity Baptist Church.  Make it more than just one time a week.  There is too much fellowship and truth to miss it.

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