Saturday, April 27, 2013

Refocusing and Going Forward

It has been a while since I blogged-and I had a few extra minutes to think this week.

First, our Ironwood week is planned for July 8-13th.  We'll be doing a bunch of fund raisers in the next 8 weeks.

Now on to my thoughts-

I kind of feel like I've taken a sabbatical from the Pastoral duties this last year.  Although, I wish I could do more as far as visiting, planning for evangelism and the other behind the scenes Pastor things, it wasn't what God wanted me to do this last year.

Caleb's illness has taken priority and we've had to adjust.  We've had to wait on God and wait for every second instructions from the Lord.

Now, as the first anniversary of Caleb's diagnosis has come and gone, I'm praying that I can be more focused on change.  I think we have all need to grow.  Of course, we need to grow in numbers-but more than that-we need to grow in Christ.  We need to be open to God doing something great this summer.  God has answered our prayers and has taught us to rely on him this year.

We continue to pray for our friends who don't know Christ.  I'm praying that we can reach out and make connections of our church with the ones who need the Lord.   Trinity Bapitst, are you willing to do what it takes to grow and make a difference?

II Peter 3:18  But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

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