Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hard Work!

This Sunday, February 6th, we'll be looking at the Parable of the Talents. I think it is a perfect message for this week for many of us at Trinity Baptist. Let me explain. On Monday a few of us got word of great musical accomplishments of two of our young men at Trinity Baptist. Andy Dell and Caleb Evins both tried out and made a very prestigious honor band of Northwest Arizona high schools. Andy also made the honor choir. Knowing my son Caleb and Andy as a son in the Lord, I'm aware of one excellent quality of these two young men-they both understand what the word hard work and practice means. When you hear them make music in our worship time-it is because they have put aside other pursuits to practice their instrument. God has given them a natural ability that they have made excellent because of practice. Like the 5 and 2 talents owners they have not squandered the natural ability that has been provided by Almighty God. On the subject of hard work-we had a small but effective group of workers on Saturday to clean up the property. We were blessed by each other in doing our part. Again, we put aside our day to give of ourselves for the Glory of God. Well, I've given away a couple of illustrations for Sunday, but I know most of you probably won't read this until after the worship time on Sunday. May we be "a good and faithful servant" with what God has given us.

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