Monday, June 7, 2010

Freedom, Communion and Philosophy

If I could use three words to sum up our Sunday these would be the three words. We looked at the Lord's Supper in Sunday School. Brother Mike challenged us about worshipping the Lord in the communion service. He also compared the Lord's Supper with one of the feasts of Leviticus.

At 11 we continued with our study of Abraham in Genesis. We read of the sin of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar and how they collaborated to create an unholy relationship among each on of them. This sin resulted in one of the most infamous feuds between nations the world has ever known. It is the root of the Arab/Israeli problem. We also read from Galatians how the Lord used the illustration of Hagar and Sarah as a picture of how we can have a freedom in Christ. We can be as one of the offspring of the right relationship between Abraham and Sarah instead of the slave relationship of Abraham and the servant Hagar. In all of this we were encouraged to know that "In Christ" we are able to call our Heavenly Father "Daddy".

In the evening we again were intellectually challenged again by Brother Dell Tacket as to our worldview. We looked at philosophy and how we can't separate this concept from the truths found in God. I wish all of you could be there for this. It would truly challenge your mind and help to strengthen your resolve to be a "stand-up" man or woman for Christ.

Don't miss Sunday's at Trinity. God is working. Please don't miss out.

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