Sunday, April 25, 2010

Continuing in Genesis at Trinity baptist

Upcoming Meetings:
Sunday School: Brother Tom
Morning Worship: Pastor Craig
Sunday Night: Business Meeting and Pastor Craig
Wednesday Night: TBA

Teen activity-Saturday, May 1st, 5:30 pm
Camp fundraiser at Sam's Club, Saturday, May 15t

Another school years is about to pass. Hard to believe. It has been a different year for me-but overall a good one in God's grand scheme. His will is perfect and every year at this time I reflect on what lessons and wisdom I've learned.

God has led our church into an exciting summer. Sometimes we look sad at the summer as we lose a few winter visitors. But, i'm excited for the days when I can be more of a full time pastor. There are many things I'd like to work on in ministry and outreach. I hope to get with my laptop and porch swing to open up my mind to His leading. We will be working with our young people and preparing for two different camps. We've added the International Baptist College Music Camps to our schedule for the kids. Please pray that we can send a good group to both this camp and Ironwood as we usually do.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, I still believe at Trinity Baptist Church we offer as balanced a ministry of any Evangelical, Fundamental, Baptist, or Bible church work in our valley. If I didn't than I wouldn't be here. As long as this is the case I will be here trusting the Lord and working together with all of you for the glory of Jesus Christ.

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