Thursday, November 12, 2009

Update for November 13th, 2009

Today's update:

This week we'll be continuing our study of Titus. In fact we'll hopefully be finishing up Titus 3. Hope you'll be there to fellowship and be encouraged in the Lord. I'm also looking forward to Sunday night as we'll be conducting an important business meeting. We'd like to take care of some new improvements to our faciilty. So far the water situation is standing pat. We'd love to plant some new trees on the west side of the building, though. Consider adopting a tree. We will buy some easy to fill and use jugs so that you can water your tree twice a week through the summer. We'll keep those trees growing until the summer when we'll figure out how to get the water system to them. We'd also like to decide on new carpet for the sanctuary. Please pray on how we should take care of the facility that God has given us.

Be there to serve the Lord on Sunday at all three meetings.

Wednesday we will continue our study of heaven.

The Webster's are still coming on November 29th.

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