Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pastor Craig-and his firery trial

Hi everyone,

We sure missed you all on Sunday. Unfortunately I won't be able to be preaching much in the next few months. I'll need God's help for recovery. Yes, I had heart bypass surgery and it was quite an ordeal. The Lord was good and brought me through ok--I'm thankful for his provision of highly trained health care workers that helped me through all of this. The nurses at sunrise were a great blessing and helped through each day with great care. The doctors seemed to know exactly what I needed at the right time. There were many that prayed for me and I could defintely tell that they were making a difference. Even the ambulance driver-who was an old friend prayed for me as he left me at the hospital. What a blessing that was. I'm about to be picked up by Sarah and we'll be heading home. We'll pray for quick recovery. In the mean time I'll be off work, not driving and remaining basically pretty passive here in the next few wees. You all are welcome to come for a visit, though. I'm trusting the Lord in the verse James "the trial of your faith worketh patience." I'm learning alot of that and will in the next few weeks. IN Christ's love. Craig

1 comment:

Donna said...

Welcome to the zipper club! My dad informed me that everyone who has open heart surgery receives the zipper on their chest which marks them as a member--he joined a few years back. We'll see him tomorrow as we begin preparations to celebrate his 50 years of marriage to mom (9/5). We've been praying for you--Mark and Donna