Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Back to Blogging and Being a Fulltime Pastor

This week is the first week of summer vacation and I'm back at home with a little time to do some things that need to be done-like blogging to the church family. I've got 10 emails that I'm sending the blog posts to. If you got this you are one of those folks. If you don't want to get the email when I creat a new post-then email me or make a comment at the blog that you'd rather not get the email-I'll be ok with it-everyone has their reasons. If you'd like to continue getting the email, I'd appreciate it if you could make a short comment on this post-just so I know you are out there. Here are the directions for commenting:
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Thanks for doing this!!!! Now for my blog-----

God has been greatly blessing our church recently in many ways. As a working/tentmaking Pastor I have been blessed to see many of you help with the burden of the many tasks that need to be taken care of in our ministry. When we are all working together and sharing the load it really makes a difference. Recently, some of you have pitched in to help greatly with the burden-what a great blessing.

Also, we have been seeing many visitors come through our doors. I challenge all of you to try your best to catch the new folks before they can leave and make them feel welcome. As a small church it really is not the that hard to find the visitors and shake their hand and give a word of encouragement.

Another matter for prayer and concern-is work projects that we'd like to see accomplished. We are praying and discussing the best way to use the funds given in Pastor Ken's name. Please give the men in our church wisdom to help us in this endeavor.

Finally, let us be praying for the summer ministries and activities that we are working on. The minsitry of evangelism, of course, is very important. There are still some fairly regular attendars that we are still not sure of their salvation. Please pray for these ones. We have our camp weeks coming up. Pray for the fundraising activities-which are needed to get everyone that needs to go to camp. God has blessed us in our endeavors. We have actually seen one person come to church who we made contact with at the car wash. Let us also pray for our young people to grow in the Lord and respond to the Gospel while at camp.

If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to email me about them. I'd also love to hear your comments. In Christ, Pastor Craig

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good job...I like this