Monday, January 23, 2012

Great Missions Emphasis Sunday with the Cunninghams

What a great Sunday we had as Art and Debbie Cunningham ministered to us here at Trinity Baptist.  Brother Art ministered to us from the Word challenging us about the Great Comission as well as encouraging us to keep strong during the dark times.  We were blessed and greatly encouraged in the Lord.  God is Good all of the time and knows our needs.  We look forward to hearing Dr. Tetreau this Sunday as well. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Using the Bible to Attack Racism and Justify Non-Violent Protest

Martin Luther King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail is an amazing example of a man using the Bible to point out racism and justify protest against grossly unjust policies.  If you haven't ever read through this, perhaps today is good day to.  I find it his most inspiring work.  Although not all of King's Theology can I agree with-his way of using the Bible to help stop social injustice is excellent in this document.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Info for 2012

Take a look at the blog for updates.  There is a new memory verse for 2012 as well as some updates concerning things happening at Trinity Baptist Church.  This Sunday, January 8th we will be listening to one of the great old fashioned preachers of our day, Ron Comfort on video as he preaches on the rapture.  Pastor Craig will continue a series about Christ in the Old Testament.  On Sunday night we'll be finishing up the Mormon scrapbook.  Hope everyone can be there to encourage one another in the Lord.