The past two Sundays at Trinity Baptist we enjoyed two unique out of town visits. It is encouraging to fellowship with believers in other churches that are committed and growing in the Lord. Sunday, June 5th a young man showed up at our door from Gardena, California. From the first word of my sermon I could tell that he was greatly focused in hearing God's Word. After the message, we invited him for dinner. We found this young man (his name is Guy) had been saved only for 1 year. God had reached down and saved him out of a life of sin. Sarah and I were amazed at his love for God's Word and the things of the Lord. In one short year he knew more about the Bible than some believers know after 20 years in Christ. I was challenged at how his church (an Orthodox Presbyterian Church), and his Elder (the one responsible in the church for discipleing Guy) had been so diligent in teaching and bringing Guy to an intimate and vital relationship with Christ. Guy is a testimony to this incredible emphasis on discipleship that this Calvinistic, Presbyterian, but obviously committed group of believers is to not only bringing people to Christ, but teaching them how to live.
Last Sunday we were again encouraged in a different way. Our numbers were down a bit for the Sunday School hour when a visiting group of two families came in right before the Morning Worship. A group of 15 brothers and sisters in Christ walked in our door to nearly double our attendance for the day. These friends were again from Southern California and attended the Pacific Baptist Church of Long Beach. Nearly all of this group, adult and children, were involved in the bus ministry in their neighborhood. Their Pastor, Pastor Esposito is obviously a man who is intensely involved in winning souls. One of the young men is a Loatian-American who was saved in the bus ministry. After he got saved he started attending Pacific Baptist's Christian school where he grew in Christ. Later he brought his sister and brothers along with him to church. They got saved and began attending the Christian school of which he was responsible for helping them financially get through. Now, not only his wife and two children, but all of his younger brothers and sisters are fellowshipping in the church. From this story one can tell that God is doing a great work of evangelism in Long Beach through the brothers and sisters in this church.
After observing our visitors that last two weeks at Trinity, I am challenged on two concepts: Evangelism and Discipleship. These are two words that need to be a part of our mission statement. We need to reach more souls and we need to teach new believers more intensely. How can you, member, friend, concerned one of Trinity Baptist Church help us achieve these two things? May we all this summer be a part of evangelism and discipleship.