Monday, March 21, 2011

So Long Dear Friends



Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints.


This last week we lost two of our most faithful members and friends to their heavenly home. Brother Lee Cooper and Sister Betty Geant both went to meet their Lord. We are saddened at our loss but are joyful that they no longer are suffering and are now in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.


I'm so thankful for having known both of these good friends. They were so very faithful to everything we did at our church. There was really no keeping them away from any church service or activity. They never missed anything unless they were "deathly" ill. I really mean that. I know it is a cliché-but these two saints rarely missed church. What an example and an encouragement to all of us.


Brother Lee I have known for at least 20 years. He did so much around the church that we are missing him already. I think I've heard more people say they miss the way he greeted everyone that came in the doors of our church. He was always there with a smile and a strong handshake that just helped to make people feel welcome at Trinity. Of course, none of us can forget the hillbilly jokes that he was always telling. How many of our young people heard "here comes trouble" as Lee greeted them with a twinkle in his eye. He then would laugh and slip a piece of candy in their hand. Lee loved the Word of God and loved to share the Gospel with others. We all will miss this man who served with all of us in the Gospel.


Our dear sister Mrs. Betty Geant I have known since I was around 8 years old. Mrs. Geant's husband, Bill, was my Sunday School teacher when I was a junior aged kid. Bill and Betty served together in any way they could when my dad served at the Riviera Baptist Church. Later, after Brother Bill passed away Betty was a faithful member and prayer warrior at the First Baptist Church and then most recently at our church.


Betty was a faithful friend. She always looked at things with Christ-colored glasses. No matter what trial or tribulation she might be dealing with she trusted Christ to take care of her situation.


We will miss these good friends but know that they are in a much better place.